Sword Canes are concealed weapons

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The most important training device or tool is not what is usually considered in most discussions on martial arts. It is not what usually comes to mind in dojos, gyms, etc where exercise and equipment of all kinds abound. It is not mats, assorted punching bags, weights, ropes,weapons,etc. although such are useful and usual nowadays. Taking a tip from dedicated body builders of the past, the tool is simply this: A LARGE MIRROR. THIS MIRROR(we might well term it, a 'magic mirror' of sorts) is NOT for admiring your looks, yoiur physique, yourself,etc. but a way to look at certain things now apparent to the usual eye. THE IMAGE IN THE MIRROR is your greatest opponent and represents all opponents you will ever encounter if you will look further than to what initially 'meets the eye' and do not become beguiled by your self image reflected in the mirror as Narcissus of myth did). The mirror is important for special reasons. You can develop a technical precision in all your forms, strikes, blows, hits, stabs, kicks,etc. and you can also undergo marvelous exercise at the same time that will benefit you greatly. To understand how to deal with multiple opponents, take another mirror and position it so that you can see multiple images of yourself reflected in what appears to be an infinite series of images of yourself and you will see that each image represents all the opponents you need consider for purposes of mastery and self-defense,etc. if you analyze and work at things beyond the obvious. If you take average scenario of attack or defense and merely think in terms of just a single opponent or if you worry and fret over multiple opponents, always adding up, in this way, 'Oh, there are two guys, there are three, there are six,etc.! What shall I do?" and also if there is a mob, how do you survive and fight? Do you face each one separately or do you deal with all of them as is THEY ARE A SINGLE OPPONENT and for that you will deliver a SINGLE STRIKE OR USE A SPECIAL WEAPON OR WHATEVER IN THIS CONFRONTATION? In the early days of karate training KUMITE was just that and one eventually went to dealing with several opponents at a time, not just one or two. Then a progression on such was done to have everyone in the group or exercise fight each other at the same time, taking no side but trying to defeat everyone,going from one to another and back and forth,etc. You learned to take punches, blocks and kicks,etc. and to deal with sticks and knives,etc. as you progressed along this vigorous path. But all this presupposes that you have some understanding and mastery of THE BASICS! You can achieve mastery of the basics by using the mirror if you are fortunate enough to have one where you train,especially at home. You need not involve others in this special training. You will also see that no single target on your mirror image need be looked at but that you can develop the ability to see multiple targets and deliver multiple kicks and strikes, and blows,etc. to several in various successions and directions,etc. You will have to undertake your own efforts to understand and utilize what is said here. No one can do it for you. More on aspects of this SOLO TRAINING which is much neglected these days for group training and learning,which is apt to become mechanical and 'militaristic' in nature.

1 comment:

  1. ONe special exercise in JUDO is known as KAGAMI-MIGAKI or 'mirror-polishing and is part of the SEIRYOKU-ZEN'YO KOKUMIN-TAIIKU FORM based on the principle of 'MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY WITH MINIMUM EFFORT'-one of the 'esoteric' principles of Judo formulated by Dr. Jigoro Kano and often overlooked or ignored by practitioners who prefer RANDORI and competitive formats, such as,tournaments,etc.
