Tuesday, June 29, 2010
TRAINING in the way your fight and fighting in the way you train are, in my view, simply two sides of the same coin, for you seldom pick up skills from hit or miss episodes or fracases,but you can, after much experience, as some of the old arnis and other masters did, analyze and codify and format your techniques derived from the actual bouts you underwent as well as those defeats you may have suffered...Many only look at their victories and not their defeats....... Take simple fist fights as schoolboys(girls,clawing and scratching?) indulge in at various times....I have had quite a share of these and my losses usually came from the fact others interfered or intervened and separated the opponents or some other variables entered in..... Quite often 'the will to win is there' but the strength and ability of the other antagonist was too great or he was more skilled....therefore, seeking better ways to fight would be the logical thing to undertake and to get advice and information and knowledge in addition to experience and challenges....but too often we are dissuaded or discouraged or prevented from so doing....parents, elders, teachers, etc. all warn us of the dangers of fighting and defending ourselves,etc . as do other authorities..... In attacking the eyes, as has been mentioned, the finger thrusts of various kinds are used and the basic on is the separated index and middle finger to attack the eyes, depending on the range involved and the type of attack and so forth,but in the simple one-on-one confrontation, this thrust can be devastating and stop further aggression...but few use it these days for reasons discussed previously, such as, legal.... Strength and power, speed and timing, accuracy and precision, are things to develop in this training and there are numerous methods and training devices available and I shall mention a few of them..Some are traditional ones, while others are modern ones but all can assist the devotee to acquire some things he may not have had previously.....but the people who need this sort of thing seldom bother to train or learn or use this......I have mentioned these persons several times and only will again if someone raises questions that pertain to this aspect. Since this is a lengthy discussion of methodology, I shall come back to it another time....and those who read it will undoubtedly mention their favorite methods.........here, briefly are some: finger thrusts into sand, figner thrusts into suspended paper masks, finger thrusts and attacks on certain plastic/modern dummies, attempting to hit a suspended ball on a string,etc. with the finger tips, and also other devices too numerous to cover here now.
iron bags,
iron fingers,
speed bags,
Monday, June 28, 2010
The eyes,are on each side of the CENTRAL LINE OF THE BODY and since most people with normal eyes that function have both of them, either can be attacked singly or doubly, and with a variety of methods, armed or unarmed....... Close range attacks to the eyes are needed when on used the fingers to jab or poke or attack the eyes, although sometimes flicking the fingers, waving an object or something to divert the eyes and to cause BLINKING can be done,etc. Few people have great control over their eyes and for this reason their eyes can be lead to look in certain directions, up,down, left, right,etc. by many simple manuevers and diversions......as every magician knows....and this also means that blinking is something few can avoid no matter what they do.....staring and fixation of gaze will not be discussed here,however. Various weapons, rigid, flexible, liquid,etc. can be used....few can withstand a faceful of acid, lye, ammonia,alcohol, etc. which if it hits the eyes makes the victim or opponent vulnerable to many followup techniques......even water from a spray bottle can upset one's vision and make one temporarily incapacitated. Whenever such are used, where should the spray be directed? Should it be directly into the eyes, or all over the face, or where.........and what ancient way of blinding the eyes of warriors was done that lead to certain adoption of part of a warriors' 'costume' ???? You may not see the connection with this discussion about eyes but it is there... Pepper sprays,etc. also used these days to attack the eyes....in order for police,etc. to subdue persons who are unruly, recalcitrant, troublesome,etc. but sometimes do not work due to various things, like wind,etc. interfering with the effectiveness,etc. If one is blind, all attacks on the eyes usually done in self-defense will not work, and this is the exception to the eyes being the most vulnerabl e spot on the body that is readily apparent to all and which can be used by young, old, weak, sickly, etc. without a good deal of training if at all....... Most people are visual oriented and dependent and seldom use the other senses.....HOWEVER, there are some blind martial artists who are able to defend themselves rather well when attacked but that is another topic that will not be covered or discussed here.................
line of sight,
Some have commented on my postings about the 'vulnerable spot' and have postulated that the mind, whatever that is, is the most vulnerable and they give some examples and notions on this,which are interesting.....but are not 'practical' in that you can use and develop such right off....in terms of self-defense or in staging an actual attack... BUT,in some respects a sort of 'mind control' can be utilized to attack the eyes and,indeed, to launch an attack or defense, in a manner I shall describe and others can then test it out if they wish,with all due cautions in place, of course. Essentially, mind control means leading the mind in a certain direction, either by evasion or deception or some similar methods that grab one's attention......how this is done is important. People are always talking of the importance of the eyes and some groups emphasize watching the eyes of the opponent in one-on-one conflicts or confrontations, believing that by watching the eyes, how they move and where they seem to focus can assist in any attack or defense and this is true as far as it goes......but some experts knowing this 'tidbit' make use of this to divert the attention and then attack in a very different mannner,etc. We are all familiar with magicians(stage) and jugglers and others that maniuplate how we see things.....the hand being quicker than the eye in most cases.....martial artists can take a few ideas from these practitioners by diverting the vision and the gaze in certain directions by certain things, such as, snapping the fingers on an extended arm, stomping the foot heavily, kicking in a direction while actually punching, and a very many other things that will lead the eyes away from the defender or attacker in these situations...... In other words, by taking 'control' of the sight, the gaze, the vision in this manner the mind is lead or controlled enough to do som serious damage, even kill the opponent......more on this another time.....but the fact is, the eyes remain the more vulnerable portion of the body-subject to attack and injury...and once out of commission, the 'victim',the 'opponent' etc. is then usually rendered pliable and open to whatever you wish to do, even kill him..........
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Many, if not most, martiala rtists,etc. tend to dichotomize things, and, in this case, tends towards one pole in preference to the other pole, citing various reasons and positions for either one......some based on actual experiences, while others based on system,style,school,etc. concepts and theories......usually derived after the old masters have fought life or death battles and then later on, decided to codify and organize their winning and 'secret' techniques into workable training programs for new students, pupils, heirs, and so forth....some with a commercial bent and flavor......all well and good......but.... Rather than accept one position as more 'logical', more 'accurate' etc. I think, for me, that these 'truths' about how to train and fight are essentially saying the same thing......but everyone is free to disagree and I expect such at any time ..... How do I fight and train at the same time? The term, LAGING HANDA, means always ready...so I am always ready to train and to fight, if need be....... Here is an example.....as I have mentioned, I consider the eyes the most vulnerable part of the body and since many attackers face us at times their eyes are a viable target and how can you do this if you have not trained or have not fought in such situations before? THE 'KEYS' TO TRAINING: Many of you will laugh at this, but here it is, and it is for those who really need such, women, girls, seniors, handicaps, children, etc...rather than big bury, conditioned athletes,competitive jocks, and highly trained martial artists and fighters ............. Simply take a set of keys,if you drive a car, or a similar device that can substitute(more on that another time) and hold them in your left hand when going to the car,coming from the car, and going around the mall,etc. etc. and have them ready to strike, thrust or jab into the eyes or if not reachable into other soft portions of the body, like the neck or under the breastbone,etc. you can also strike the kidneys,etc...... Using the left hand to hold the keys to strike has some advantages since many attackers believe you will use your right hand or arm and many persons do.........You can after striking the opponent in the eyes with your keys do many things, including running away, calling a cop on your cell phone, taking a photo of your attacker, and also following up with other strikes and things as well as kicks if needed...only you can determine how far to go and what you have to do,but the stress and environment may actually determine things as will the presence or absence of others....... You can carry your keys in your right hand also if you wish and do the same things........carrying your keys is legal and a weapon of opportunity and you need only say you were attacked and could not drop your keys or let them be taken by the attacker,etc...this will work if you are a teenager and a woman in many instances where the attacker is bigger, tougher, has a record,etc. After defending yourself and calling the cops you may have to engage a lawyer in this society in the US....good luck...
The existence of 'the mind' as real, objective entity has yet to be fully proven. It is a word that covers and attempts to describe a wide variety of processes, activities, and behaviors,etc.-all of which cna be better described as 'mental', which tend to concern what are called: 'ideas','thoughts' 'concepts' 'logic' etc. and very 'intellectual aspects' or 'mental apparatus', 'mental machine' etc. part of a SYSTEM-brain, nerves,etc. and usually apart from the EMOTIONAL,PHYSICAL, INSTINCTIVE, & SEX CENTERS that comprise people who are 'mechanical' in nature and generally 'asleep' that is, not really 'CONSCIOUS' or 'AWAKE',etc. To say that the 'mind' is the most vulnerable part of the body or or a person is not accurate-the mental processes and activities, described by various psychological studies and theories and systems, at AN EARLY AGE are more malleable, impressionable,and sometimes easily influenced-but once impressions and influences have entered the 'mind' that CONSTRUCT-called THE PERSONALITY, the 'mind's' supposed vulnerability becomes lessened and only certain things can alter the established patterns of life and habits, customs and mores, etc. despite notions of 'free-will' etc. being held by many usually those who cannot demonstrate such for all their verbalism and theories... Actually, we are 'CONDITIONED' by our ENVIRONMENTS as well as by heredity, far more than we realize or are willing to accept, believing that we can always alter circumstances,events, and habits,etc.. We do not always realize that environment can and does contain an almost infinite series of complexities, impressions, and influences....that affect us and not just those we tend to focus on and consider 'highly important',vital to our existence, and socially acceptable,etc. and though we may think that such affect us subconsciously or unconsciously, we all tend to ignore such....despite impulses, urges, inclinations and feelings, which are more frequently than understood confused with thinking or thoughts.... We can use drugs and hypnotism and certain other things to alter 'the mind',our perceptions, our physical states, and this may take ;much time and in life and death situations, this is not possible for most-as they tend to rely on action-reaction....... Although one may,indeed, have certain 'psychic','mental' etc. 'powers' adn the like the average person in self-defense situations and even venerable masters may not be able to exercise them in such responses as physical attacks, though 'mental' attacks(curses, hexes,enchantments,etc.) may be dealt with more easily by some, though most of us remain somewhat sceptical of such.......More on all this at another time.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
An old Armenian friend of mine, now deceased, gave me his hunting/fishing/etc. knife and I put it into a sheath my grandfather had made for me at the shop where he worked......years before this.....and this sheath housed another knife, partly made by me and my grandfather out of an old butcher knife....... My friend, had fled Armenia when the Turks began their controversial and systematic extermination of Armenians, and taking a ship to France, he jumped ship and eventually came to the US where he died........ He worked as cook in a local restaurant where my mother waited tables and where I sometimes ate and 'POP", as everyone called him, became my friend and we often went fishing on the Connecticut River in his boat, which I actually liked rowing more than fishing from it.......it was great exercise....he also had an outboard...but only used it now and then...... This is what he told me once....he had met a Hungarian in the port in France, apparently, and sometimes some kinds of fracas took place in such places as most might surmise......the advice the Hungarian always gave in such fights and bouts and melees,etc. was 'GO FOR THE EYES'! something I had learned from my father who served in WWI....but the difference was, instead of the usual two finger thrust, which is effective, the use of the knife was done......and one could also throw pepper from a shaker,etc. or packet,etc. into the eyes if one wanted to be less lethal.......... There is more to be said on this and some other time I shall discuss this topic further for many reasons......
Friday, June 18, 2010
What is the most vulnerable part of the body? It might not be what you think it is....but perhaps you might attempt guessing.........I will not supply the answer here now....mention how to think of this and why......this will be in terms of unarmed combat, possible killing arts, and life and death situations, attacks,defenses,etc....................................... If a person will stand before you and merely stay there, arms at the sides and facing you, of course, then ask the very same question....what is the most vulnerable part of the body as you are looking at it and what technique would you use right off to devastate, to weaken, to overcome and perhaps kill the person standing in front of you....you can also make assumptions of his threats, rage, intention to attack and possibly kill you and the like....you can imagine possible attacks he will make,etc. but the idea is to determine what technique and what part of the body must be 'pre-empted' or attacked in order to either defend yourself or attack,say smiling serial killer,etc....? I should be pleased to hear and read your answers to this question and your comments.......thanks in advance..at another time, I will give you my conclusion(s)....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Striking,kicking, slapping, and attacking the FLESH in an unarmed situation where one is trying either to defend, attack, and also to kill someone,which I have limited to a 'one'on'one' affair....presents special difficulties to those who are not versed in special techniques, methods, systems, and styles or specific arts that allow for this to occur.......and hence, many things will prove extremely useless and ineffective in a 'life or death' situation or a 'do or die' circumstance or in a 'kill or be killed' combat....... Bruises and aches are apt to be more likely in such affairs unless one employs a destructive force and method that affects the flesh...that is, those part of the body that might be considered 'soft,likely, and vulnerable' to such things......provided that the resistance that will arise in such a fracas is prevented, stopped, delayed, overcome, or ignored...... If one then adds to the FLESH attacks,strikes,hits,etc. to the BONES or skeleton, than a better possibility arises to enable a 'victory' or 'conquest' or a 'kill' as the case may be.....But this, too, has some problems attached to it when it comes to being unarmed and attempting to attack the bones...... The third component of this 'three-pronged' attack is BLOOD and this also has specific problems when one is unarmed and confronting a situation in which one can be killed and one in which one must kill. The HARD approach, which is the result of specific and certain training methods and theories, may well work here better than the SOFT methods or approaches....if one does not take into account other factors that can be employed or used....such as, leverage, timing, force, agility, speed, power, etc. all of which are part of the full equation....but which appear ponderous as one thinks about them and theorizes about them, especially in an attempt to create 'maximum efficiency with minimum effort'.... Further discussion of these things will have to be done after this has been considered and mulled over and digested....and one should think or consider and possibly work out certain aspects of this for themselves to better come to an understanding based on experience and movement...if possible, without actually killing anyone at this time......so be warned.....that small efforts may not amount to much and yet, some small steps may be needed......
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We might also term this topic as Blood,Guts, and Bones, as I mentioned elsewhere, and some more 'observations' and comments are in order,none of which will appeal to most martial artists or to others,for obvious reasons. This discussion is limited to consideration of one-on-one defenses and attackes, unarmed, and possible approaches....of which everyone is entitled to their own specific opinion... If you are attacking an opponent,or an assailant/attacker, as an act of self-defense or in actual combat to kill someone(but without weapons) you modes of attack will be limited to certain things and conditions, a great number of factors and situations, no doubt.... If you only attack or strike or hit flesh you will soon see that some difficulties will present themselves. If you attempt to hit and demolish or injure bone(s) other things will arise, and attacking blood(veins, arteries, heart,etc.) will also present some factors so that the conclusion might well be that to merely strike just one component will not always be sufficient and certainly not lead to an easy death or destruction.....So, what is next? It seems logical to assume that an attack involving at least two of these components has a better chance of succeeding and furthermore an attack on all three will be the most successful if the goal is to kill or subdue or injure,etc. The next step will be, if it can be called a step, is to select or utilize effective methods, techniques, blows, kicks,etc. that will involve all three components of blood,bones, flesh as possible and as quickly as can be done..... There are two basic approaches to this and they are well-known and have advocates and partisans and experts,etc. but can be described as THE HARD SCHOOL and THE SOFT SCHOOL.......and the methods they use form the basis of many, if not most, martial arts systems, styles,etc. found in the world today, that is, those that are more deadly and dangerous and therefore, can kill people...... The training in these two methods or approaches varies considerably the more one investigates the killing arts. Of the the two approaches, the Hard School is the more popular and the more followed while the Soft School or approach is more complex and 'flowery' and proceeds along a different line usually....and then there are those who attempt to blend both and come up with various hybrids.....none of these I shall name or discuss beyond the general descriptions I will make use of here in this discussion as most everyone can supply their own examples and favorites...... In the next part, I will try to examine these things but for now it will be sufficient to 'digest' what has been placed here under this topic and the preceeding one on the same subject....
Friday, June 11, 2010
FLESH,BLOOD,and BONES are the three components that comprise the targets of the human body and compose physical existence for humans,both men and women, and children, something in common with animals, such as, mammals, and bird, etc. These three components, Flesh, Blood, and Bones, follow the LAW OF THREE, which can be symbolized, as many know, by a triangle, but more than this, is the fact that these are the foundation of the ART OF KILLING,whether with weapons or without(unarmed). Since the use of weapons is fairly well-known or common, I shall confine all this to unarmed tactics,methods, techniques, etc. and also restrict it to that of two antagonists, attackers or defenders,etc. that is, one-on-one,with both unarmed. The transformation of killing arts, martial arts, combat arts, warfare,etc. along this line is apparent to many and this means that such things are being transformed from lethal arts to system of exercise, sport(s), recreation, demonstrative, non-contact or semi-contact, or armoured, affairs, along with being placed on various media, such as movies, DVDs and video games and the like: ALL WITHOUT HAVING TO ACTUALLY KILL ANYONE OR TO BE LETHAL IN NATURE......so that people can kill others vicariously especially through fantasy sports, games, without having to suffer any possible consequences or implications....that is, by having killed someone in reality.... This transformation is somewhat inevitable,of course,as history shows that as controls of society become stronger and laws enacted and enforced, etc. a monoploy on the arts is given to certain groups,such as military or police....PART I-BY HALFORD E. JONES, BLOG WRITER 2010....
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