Sword Canes are concealed weapons

Friday, June 11, 2010


FLESH,BLOOD,and BONES are the three components that comprise the targets of the human body and compose physical existence for humans,both men and women, and children, something in common with animals, such as, mammals, and bird, etc. These three components, Flesh, Blood, and Bones, follow the LAW OF THREE, which can be symbolized, as many know, by a triangle, but more than this, is the fact that these are the foundation of the ART OF KILLING,whether with weapons or without(unarmed). Since the use of weapons is fairly well-known or common, I shall confine all this to unarmed tactics,methods, techniques, etc. and also restrict it to that of two antagonists, attackers or defenders,etc. that is, one-on-one,with both unarmed. The transformation of killing arts, martial arts, combat arts, warfare,etc. along this line is apparent to many and this means that such things are being transformed from lethal arts to system of exercise, sport(s), recreation, demonstrative, non-contact or semi-contact, or armoured, affairs, along with being placed on various media, such as movies, DVDs and video games and the like: ALL WITHOUT HAVING TO ACTUALLY KILL ANYONE OR TO BE LETHAL IN NATURE......so that people can kill others vicariously especially through fantasy sports, games, without having to suffer any possible consequences or implications....that is, by having killed someone in reality.... This transformation is somewhat inevitable,of course,as history shows that as controls of society become stronger and laws enacted and enforced, etc. a monoploy on the arts is given to certain groups,such as military or police....PART I-BY HALFORD E. JONES, BLOG WRITER 2010....

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